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Let's Talk Cabling!
Rewiring Vegas: Inside Bicsi's Beyond Evolution
Chuck welcomes Caroline, Senior VP of Marketing from Bicsi, to discuss the transformational rebranding of Bicsi's fall conference to "Bicsi Beyond" and how it represents a fundamental shift in approach to serve the industry better.
• Bicsi Beyond reimagines the traditional fall conference with a focus on convergence and future technologies
• New session formats include lightning learning, solution rooms, and debates to engage different learning styles
• The conference theme centers on "where innovations and ideas intersect" across adjacent technology industries
• Tracks will cover intelligent infrastructure, wireless innovations, AV integration, data centers, and uniting limited energy
• Conference dates are August 17-20, 2023, at the Venetian in Las Vegas – one day shorter than previous years
• Call for presenters is open until April 4th, seeking innovative topics that address real-world challenges
• Speaker training will be available to help professionals confidently present their expertise
• CECs will be available for attendees, though total numbers are still being determined
To learn more or submit a presentation proposal, visit bicsi.org/beyond before the April 4th deadline.
Knowledge is power! Make sure to stop by the webpage to buy me a cup of coffee or support the show at https://linktr.ee/letstalkcabling . Also if you would like to be a guest on the show or have a topic for discussion send me an email at chuck@letstalkcabling.com
Chuck Bowser RCDD TECH
Hey Wire Monkeys, welcome to a special edition of Wednesday Night After Hours Live with Chuck Bowser. Although technically this is not live, this is recorded because this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing only.
Speaker 2:Welcome to let's Talk Cabling, the award-winning podcast where knowledge is power and the low-voltage industry connects. Hosted by Chuck Bowser, rcdd. We're here to empower installers, designers and industry pros with the tips, stories and best practices you need to stay ahead. From copper to fiber, standards to innovation, this is the show that keeps you plugged into success. So grab your tools, turn up the volume and let's talk cabling.
Speaker 1:Bixie's had a major announcement about their Bixie Beyond coming up in Las Vegas. This is an exclusive at least for now exclusive on let's Talk Cabling. You won't hear this anywhere else. So a lot of people always ask me, chuck, what's the difference between the Vegas conference and the Orlando conference? And I can't really speak with too much authority there, because the only Vegas conference I ever attended was I went out there for a committee meeting one time and I literally flew in for the meeting, flew back out, didn't even hang around, so I never really got to experience the conference that much. But I've always heard that it's like a miniature version of the Orlando conference.
Speaker 1:But during the Bixie Winter Conference this year they were touting that they were going to be totally changing this whole event for Vegas. So I was like you know, maybe we should get them on to talk. And I don't know how I managed to do this. I don't know how I'd managed to do this, but I got the senior VP of marketing from Bixie on to talk to us about this. Welcome to the show, caroline. How are you doing?
Speaker 3:Hi, chuck, thank you so much for having me today.
Speaker 1:Well, welcome to the podcast First time guest.
Speaker 3:Thank you Maybe a long time guest. Well, I'm delighted to be here and. I'd love to see you again.
Speaker 1:There you go, there you go. So let's talk, let's get right into it, but Bixie Beyond. So you know, you just got announced that at the Winter Conference. Yeah, so the new name kind of gives you an idea that everything's changing. Why the change?
Speaker 3:You know, chuck I think you said it best right at the top A lot of people were wondering what is the difference between fall and winter and we realized if we wanted to keep our audiences engaged and really help support the ICT industry, we needed to do something different with fall. So the team really got together and we put our heads together and we thought, you know what? We need to expand this and we need to change it up completely to make this a unique experience from Winter Conference to get people wanting to come and wanting to be back for more. So Bixie Beyond is really an evolution of our fall conference. I would say fall or sorry, winter conference you can probably consider as like the backbone of ICT, right? So the foundational meeting that we have that really gets into the nuts and bolts or cables, of ICT, whereas for Bixie Beyond, what we're really looking to do is expand the universe that is involved, really touching on how the future is so rapidly changing for ICT and understanding that we're not the only ones involved anymore.
Speaker 3:Right, the universe around us is kind of getting a little more a little closer together, Um, and instead of just, you know, putting our heads in the sand and pretending things aren't changing, we thought what a better way, what better way to face the future than to do it together. So we really are opening up our arms to other adjacent industries and other connected technologies to have this conversation around what does the future look like and how can we get there in a way that's integrated, that's cohesive, collaborative and really start having those conversations now so that we're making sure we're arming our ICT professionals with all the tools they need for the future.
Speaker 1:I think it's actually brilliant because, you know, when I first got in this industry they really just considered us oh that's the phone guy, that's the computer guy. And yeah, we were important because, you know, without us you couldn't call or do your work. But you know, we were always kind of standalone, but we are so integrated with everything else now it's not even funny, you know. I remember I want to say it was about a decade ago, maybe even a little bit longer there was a buzzword in our industry called convergence. Convergence where we started, you know, interacting with a bunch of other industries and stuff like that, and I think that's kind of what you're tapping on. I'm on here with this right. So how is the Big C Beyond going to be different from and it's going to be hard to improve on the Winter Conference, because I love the Winter Conference how is the way Vegas is going to be different from that?
Speaker 3:In a number of ways. For starters, we're adding new, different session format types. So, you know, instead of just having lectures, we're doing things like solution rooms where people can get together and discuss. You know different types of problems they face and how did they make their way out of that. You know different types of problems they face and how did they, how did they make their way out of that? Lightning learning, which are meant to be these really quick. You know sort of presentations that go around the room and give you quick tips and tidbits.
Speaker 3:We're also going to have, you know, debates or debate formats.
Speaker 3:Lecture formats will still be part of the show, but we want to make sure that we're also providing our speakers with more training and speaker training, so that, you know, they can make sure that they're providing really great information and really hone in on the topics that people want to talk about and hear about. I think the most important thing, though, is that we really are focusing on what is a hot button issue right now, and that is the future of the industry, so we want to make sure that we are convening all of those people who are involved to make sure that we can have these conversations that are just so important for the future of Pixie. We're also going to be, you know, expanding on our edu tours. So we know that that was a big success last year, yeah, so we're going to be looking at new opportunities for that as well and really just changing the whole look of it. So we want, we want to make sure that when you arrive in Vegas, at the Venetian, that it looks like nothing you've ever seen before.
Speaker 3:So that is really our effort. We're actually going to be unveiling our new branding for that fairly soon. So we have our call for presenter. Look out right now, but just wait and see. It's going to look really awesome, really sharp, and it's something we're just really excited for for the industry.
Speaker 1:I kind of like how you said there's different types of projects. I like the debate thing. I got some topics for you Velcro, soft side in or soft side out, modular connectors, pass-through or traditional. I got lots of ideas that cause arguments amongst people in debates. But I like the fact that you really you honed in. I can't remember what you called it, but I think in the social media we call it micro-learning.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:Exactly Because when you look at people who are who we're trying to attract to get in this industry because us old guys yeah, we're going to go anyway right, we're going to go because we like going to conferences but we're really trying to attract the young emerging professionals and that's how they learn.
Speaker 1:They learn with micro-learning, tiktok videos, instagram videos, shorts. I like the fact that you guys are embracing that. In fact, I told Bob Hartling that we were not this conference, but the conference before that, when he was talking about call for people to do volunteers on one of the committees, and I said go to TikTok. It's more than just a dancing platform, trust me, and that's where they are. They like, they want to TikTok. It's more than just a dancing platform, trust me, and that's where they are. They, they like, they want to learn and it seems like a minute or less and it's you know, you want to track them. That's how you got to do it. So I really appreciate you doing that and and this actually coming out. So this coming out on Thursday and you said the edgy tour the tonight, tonight's broadcast is going to be me and Nolan talking about Terminal C.
Speaker 3:Oh great.
Speaker 1:Terminal.
Speaker 2:C.
Speaker 1:That's airing tonight and his impressions, and I'll tell you what it absolutely wowed him, absolutely wowed him. It made me feel bad because I was like man, I really wish I had gone.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it was really cool. I also didn't get to go. I saw the pictures.
Speaker 1:It looked amazing Really cool opportunity yeah it was very cool, so let's talk about themes. So what kind of topics and themes are going to be covered at the Vegas Beyond Big C?
Speaker 3:Sure, and actually you know it was funny because you actually mentioned our theme at the very top. So the theme for the show is convergence, Just to your point, right?
Speaker 3:You look like you had inside knowledge. Check out this big brains on, chuck. But it's where innovations and ideas intersect, because we understand that there is this convergence happening and, like we said, we can't bury your heads in the sand. It's time to have a conversation about what's happening. So we really are embracing this idea of bringing folks together and how do we work together? How are we intersecting? So that's the overall theme of the conversation, but some of the tracks include intelligent infrastructure advancements, wireless innovations, av and security integration, optimizing data centers and uniting limited energy for industry evolution. So, really looking toward the future, understanding it's come fast and furious and we want to make sure that everyone is appropriately armed for that evolution. So, really looking toward the future understanding it's coming fast and furious and we want to make sure that everyone is appropriately armed for that day.
Speaker 1:Sounds to me like you're going to need a whole bunch of presenters. I think we will Just saying Sounds like you need a lot.
Speaker 3:Yes, we will.
Speaker 1:And one of the things you know, it's funny because people view me as a professional speaker and I'm like, if you've ever seen, you've witnessed me in person. I am not a good speaker in person, I'm just really good at video editing. That just makes me look like I'm really good, right? So there's a lot of people who want to present, but they're afraid to present or whatever. So if somebody who's consider cause consider being a presenter there, what kind of topics are you looking for?
Speaker 3:Really we want, we're really trying to tap into the things that we're seeing, or really anything that's cutting edge. What are what's trending, what are the things we're hearing about on the like, you know, in the field, because we want to bring that information to those who are having to deal with it every single day and we really want to make sure that they're pushing the envelope. So, you know, topics can range from like deep dives, like technical deep dives, or, you know, case studies of emerging trends, like workforce challenges, best practices. We want to make sure that our attendees walk away with actionable insights that they can apply in their day-to-day. So, you know, whatever it is that you're seeing out there, if it's something that people are talking about, we should be talking about it on the main stage or, you know, even in our, some of our session rooms. So if you, if you're experiencing something in your, in your day to day, chances are likely you're not the only one. So we want people to come out. We want to hear from new voices.
Speaker 3:You know you said it yourself the the industry is aging. We want to bring younger folks in. We want to make sure that we're that. To bring younger folks in. We want to make sure that we're keeping this industry alive because, you know, it's not going away. It is the future and we need these professionals for the future. So what can we do to draw them in? And so people who have innovative, exciting things to talk about, we want to hear from you.
Speaker 1:You know, Big C members are the absolute best, I'm telling you, because it was a Big C member who spurred this whole podcast back in 2020. And he got up in front of one of the committees and said look around and you know, we're all kind of looking around like yeah, what? And he's like we're all old, we're all alone If we don't do something to fix this, you know, we don't have any fresh blood coming in and that was the whole spawn of the podcast. So did you mention earlier that you're going to offer some type of training for speakers or help for speakers, or something?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah. So it's something we're going to make sure is available for those who want to use it. So you know, if you are nervous or you think you could brush it up, you can brush up your skills a little bit, and we'll make sure that that's an opportunity that's available to you so that you know before you go on the main stage, you've had a chance to rehearse, you've been given some pointers so that you can go on that stage feeling ready to rock.
Speaker 1:That's absolutely fantastic Because, you know, the number one fear of most people is public speaking. And the hardest thing is if you don't do it for a living. I speak for a living because I'm a teacher. During the day I do the podcast, so I'm always talking and teaching. But the hardest thing to embrace as a speaker is to embrace the silence. Don't be afraid of silence. You don't have to fill up every word you know right, just embrace the silence. Sometimes it's good. So let's say there's somebody out there listening to the show or watching the show and they say, hmm, I might want to do this Right. What makes a good presentation for the Bigs and Beyond?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think I've touched on some of this already. Right, it's? It's making sure that these, that your proposal addresses a real world challenge. It's presenting an innovative solution or exploring new industry trends. We want to be hearing about the things that are happening in the field now and what's coming. So, if you have wind of it, you're seeing something, you're going. Hey, you know what? I have a feeling? This is going to be what we're going to be talking about for the next few years. That's really what we want to hear about.
Speaker 3:So the best presentations would be engaging, informative, designed to spark conversation. We want people leaving this conference going wow, like did you hear this session? Did you go to this session? Oh my gosh, this was amazing. So we're really, I think, more than anything, just really looking to leverage those conversation starters and the things that are really lighting up the industry right now. Things that are really lighting up the industry right now and making sure that we're also providing those opportunities to network at Bixie Beyond so that if you do hear something interesting in a presentation, you have that opportunity to engage with others, your peers and other professionals to really take that content home.
Speaker 1:So, vanessa, when you say you're looking for presentations, so I'm assuming are you looking for like an outline? I do a lot of classes that I submit for Bixie, I'm assuming are you looking for like an outline? I do a lot of classes that I submit for Bixie, cecs, right, so I got to do an outline. I have to do a time map and I have to do a copy of a certificate and stuff. So when somebody's looking to put all this together, what is Bixie looking for to be able to evaluate that presentation?
Speaker 3:Sure, and I really want to understand, like, what is the vision of the presentation right? So you know, provide us an overview of you know, what are the challenges, what are the objectives of learning objectives for people who will be leaving, Coming that picture or presenting that narrative for what your learners or your session attendees would walk away from. And if you're using one of those new session formats, like if you're doing an interactive panel or you're doing one of these lightning lessons, we're really going to be interested in those because it's a new thing for us, and so we want to make sure we're getting as many opportunities to present those types of learning as we can.
Speaker 1:What do you think is the? You guys may not have thought this out yet, but usually the presentations are usually like an hour or 45 minutes to an hour usually. So the lightning presentations. What time duration do you think those will end up being?
Speaker 3:So I think they'll still be in a 45-minute, 60, 60 minute block, but you'll have several of them within one session so you can come into, like, okay, this, this lightning learning session is made up of these four or five individual talks, so you know that in that session there's one talk you want to listen to. Then you have that opportunity to go listen to that conversation. You're not necessarily stuck there the whole time. So we just want to make sure that you know we're we're bundling them in a way that are either similarly themed or that there are that there are threads that kind of will move through them all to keep people interested and engaged.
Speaker 1:That's cool, that's absolutely cool. I might have to, even I might even have to try to attend there as as press.
Speaker 3:Who would you have to ask for that, chuck?
Speaker 1:I don't know. Do you know the right person? First I got to check to make sure that I'm not currently scheduled to be teaching somewhere first. That's the first hurdle. Once I get past that hurdle, then I say okay, I got free time, and it's usually the fall, is usually not the busy time for the farm, so I could probably sneak out there and do that. So I just got to jump some hurdles to do that.
Speaker 3:So I think I just Well the other thing. I'm glad you brought that up. Sorry to interrupt, but the conference is actually earlier this year, so normally fall happens in September. But Bixie Beyond this year is going to be taking place August 17th to the 20th at the Venetian in Las Vegas. So that's important for folks to know because I know typically we expect it in September.
Speaker 1:I'm glad you mentioned that August 17th to the 20th. That explains why I just got an email from Bixie saying call for presenters.
Speaker 3:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Because it's literally, you know people may think well, August 17th, you know, check, it's only March. Yeah, you know, you don't realize how fast time flies until you're trying to plan an event Exactly and then it flies by. So August 17th at 20 is when the actual event happens, and that seems a little bit shorter than the Las Vegas ones in the past.
Speaker 3:That's correct. We've reduced it by a day, so we'll be ending on the 20th, like you said, a day earlier than usual, because we want to make sure that we're really condensing the learning into a time frame that's more reasonable for folks. You know, hey, it's hard, it's hard to get time off work, it's hard to travel, especially, you know, that time of year when it's getting to be back to school for some folks, and you know, especially those of us who are in Florida. You know you want to. We wanted to make sure we were being thoughtful of what kind of time restraints our attendees might have. I'm assuming there'll be CECs for attendees as well. Absolutely, we don't have a total number of CECs available yet.
Speaker 1:Obviously it's way too early in the planning stage to have a number of CECs. I get that. I get that. So I just saw the call for presenters. What is the drop-down date that they can no longer submit an application to be a presenter?
Speaker 3:April 4th is the deadline, so that's less than a month to go. We really hope, and these things do take time to put together, so that's why we really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you now, so that folks have plenty of time to put their thinking caps on and start collaborating with their colleagues to come up with some ideas for us. We can't wait.
Speaker 1:That's a future topic for a future show is the behind the scenes. Look at what you have to do, wixie has to do when, when they get all these applications for presenters, because a lot of people think it's just I, just you know we can, we'll pick this one, pick that one, pick the one as a presenter.
Speaker 1:I know there's a lot more that goes beyond, and Noel and I talked about this on the show that will be airing tonight as a matter of fact, we talked about the Terminal C tour and Noel said at first he's like he goes thanks to Big C for pulling this off and doing all the behind-the-scenes scheduling. I'm like you know, I know better than most people because I used to pull cable out at Orlando Airport and I remember the classes I had to sit through just to be able to get a badge, to be able to get on site. And then if he drove a vehicle on site there was another class and I was like I couldn't even imagine scheduling 50 people to come in, to go to some of the most sensitive areas of the airport, you know, and show people stuff. So you know, I know there's a lot of planning going behind it. So I'm just gonna tell you this face to face now.
Speaker 1:Thank you guys for doing it, because I wish I could have done it. But just, it's funny because when Nolan that night, when he came back after the tour, we went to a dinner at some manufacturer thing, he was all lit up with excitement. All lit up with excitement. You'll see it in the show that airs out tonight. So where can somebody go if they want to learn more about Bixie Beyond?
Speaker 3:Yeah, so we've got a landing page at bixieorg slash beyond and that has all the information you need about session formats. It tracks all of that stuff on there due dates so that everybody can understand what it is that we're looking for. Find out some more information and it'll take you to the submission site once you're ready. So we really hope those listening, you know, will put some thought. Like I said, collaborate with your peers or even those in some of your adjacent professions to come up with something that will really help move the industry forward. We're really excited about the conversation stuff that we're going to have Absolutely, and April 4th is right around the corner for deadlines.
Speaker 3:Yes, it is.
Speaker 1:And it takes time to generate an outline and a time map and a PowerPoint. It doesn't happen at a drop of a button, but I would get on it now and I'll tell you what I'll do is. I will also make some short-form content over the next couple weeks and pump them out too, just to kind of remind people hey, go to Big City Beyond in Vegas, and if you're going to present, you know the deadline is coming up real fast.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, yeah.
Speaker 1:Carolyn, thank you for coming on the show today and I appreciate you guys. I appreciate everything that you guys especially the winter conference Tell everybody, especially the media team, because I know they get a close part to my heart. So because I know how hard they work is they got to be behind the scenes, but you document everything we appreciate you, Chuck.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening to let's Talk Cabling, the award-winning podcast where knowledge is power and the low voltage industry connects. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share it with your crew. Got questions or ideas for the show? Chuck wants to hear from you. Stay connected, stay informed and always aim for excellence. Until next time, keep those cables clean, your standards high and your future bright. Let's Talk Cabling empowering the industry, one connection at a time.